Laquet: A French fete's not a fete without a trumpet and an accordion
Laquet: Mum and Dad at the fete
Laquet: Aligot served at the Fete
Laquet: Sausage and Mash a la Francaise
Laquet: Lou Courdet
Laquet: Paul and Sue's gite (Lou Courdet) near Lupiac
Laquet: The pool at Lou Courdet
Laquet: Lavender blue shutters
Laquet: Lavender blue shutters (2)
Laquet: The view across the Gers (2)
Laquet: The view across the Gers (4)
Laquet: The view across the Gers (3)
Laquet: The view across the Gers
Laquet: Sunset at Lou Courdet
Laquet: Sunset at Lou Courdet (2)
Laquet: Sue BBQing (2)
Laquet: Sue BBQing
Laquet: Sue's BBQ
Laquet: Sue BBQing (3)
Laquet: Simon on his 3rd glass
Laquet: Sue on her second mussel - not that bad then
Laquet: Dad at Lieke's
Laquet: Mum refusing to smile
Laquet: Ready for more
Laquet: Good friends
Laquet: Smiling ... more likely to be wind!
Laquet: Where's he putting those hands?
Laquet: The cook's view of the photographer
Laquet: Eating on the terrace
Laquet: Lieke's Courgette Soup