Laquet: Mum and Ruth at the registry office
Laquet: Where were you mummy?
Laquet: Now you have to give this to Aunty Jo!!
Laquet: Jo, Simone and the girls
Laquet: What name do I sign?
Laquet: Suzanne and Kev
Laquet: And Tinkerbell came too!
Laquet: This is it!
Laquet: Mum and Dad
Laquet: Simon, me and our witnesses
Laquet: Simon, me and our witnesses
Laquet: Big smiles now the ceremoney is over
Laquet: In the garden
Laquet: Just throw a handful of confetti like this!
Laquet: And they did!
Laquet: Happy
Laquet: In the garden!
Laquet: Ruth and Kristina
Laquet: Simon, me and our parents
Laquet: Us and our parents
Laquet: Groups at the registry office
Laquet: The Langthornes
Laquet: Groups at the registry office
Laquet: Groups at the registry office
Laquet: Groups at the registry office
Laquet: Mum in Jersey
Laquet: Mum, nana and a neighbour
Laquet: mum at Barry Island 1953
Laquet: Mum (on the left)
Laquet: Albert and Harry Baylis