Laquet: Just a wee dram
Laquet: Keef and Annie's presentation
Laquet: Keef and Annie's presentation
Laquet: Killer frisbee in the mud
Laquet: My left foot - and a bit of mud
Laquet: The other one was no better
Laquet: Extreme tennis
Laquet: Extreme tennis
Laquet: Extreme tennis - not for the faint hearted
Laquet: Simon muscles in on the BBQ
Laquet: Simon
Laquet: British BBQing at its best, in the rain
Laquet: Drool
Laquet: Left in peace to eat
Laquet: Cat and Chris, damp but happy
Laquet: Caught with a mouthful
Laquet: Gareth and a fab hat!
Laquet: Chris photographing my feet ... can't think why?
Laquet: Decisions, decisions
Laquet: H and her own bar
Laquet: Pete proudly wearing his shorts whatever the weather
Laquet: Olga, Cat and Rob
Laquet: Cat, Rob Jr and Rob Sr
Laquet: P7210132
Laquet: P7210131
Laquet: Keef and Cordel "pump" up the heat on the BBQ
Laquet: Cordel and Keef