Laquet: Gurn
Laquet: Here, 'ave this!
Laquet: Sweet
Laquet: A respectable civil servant
Laquet: Dazed and confused
Laquet: Time for a cigar
Laquet: Smokin'!
Laquet: P3100003
Laquet: I can see you
Laquet: Aww Uncle SImon
Laquet: And the the fighting started
Laquet: Ladies!
Laquet: And it went on
Laquet: And on
Laquet: And on some more!
Laquet: Someone always gets hurt
Laquet: When you practise Thai kick boxing
Laquet: In a kitchen full of wine bottles!
Laquet: A cup of tea
Laquet: More tea vicar
Laquet: Tired
Laquet: Happy feet