Chezmundo: Peeping memorial
Chezmundo: Notice board
Chezmundo: The door
Chezmundo: five to twelve
Chezmundo: Shady view
Chezmundo: Down the street
Chezmundo: Bit of green
Chezmundo: Standing in the shadows
Chezmundo: Tilting the cross
Chezmundo: Nebias village square
Chezmundo: Nebias village church
Chezmundo: War memorial
Chezmundo: Blue on blue
Chezmundo: Village square war memorial
Chezmundo: Black cauldron
Chezmundo: Pot and door
Chezmundo: Purple door, purple sky
Chezmundo: Pot calling the door...purple?
Chezmundo: Village square
Chezmundo: Croissant van!
Chezmundo: Stu looking out for croissants
Chezmundo: Paul loving Marie Claire
Chezmundo: Les anglaises having beers
Chezmundo: Griff wears it Michael Crawford-ly
Chezmundo: Clare wears it effortlessly
Chezmundo: Paul wears it farmer loike
Chezmundo: Chez wears it cheekily