ChezChiens: My Kind of Pointer Sisters [362-365]
ChezChiens: Out on safari, I came round the raised beds and stumbled upon two giraffes enjoying the rich grasslands of the front yard savanna [359-365]
ChezChiens: man has manhands [358-365]
ChezChiens: en fuego [356-365]
ChezChiens: Other Half [355-365]
ChezChiens: despite the expression, she really loves the water
ChezChiens: get me outta here [351-365]
ChezChiens: looking uncharacteristically mysterious
ChezChiens: it's hollyhock time of year again [344-365]
ChezChiens: you have how many dogs? [334-365]
ChezChiens: delicious [333-365]
ChezChiens: anticipation [332-365]
ChezChiens: just clouds [323-365]
ChezChiens: exuberance [321-365]
ChezChiens: a little chainlink won't keep a good graffiti artist down [312-365]
ChezChiens: the warm glow of neighborly rage [310-365]
ChezChiens: mixed feelings [307-365]
ChezChiens: through a single window [306-365]
ChezChiens: vanishing points [304-365]
ChezChiens: A sweet high treble threads its silvery song [296-365]
ChezChiens: bottle bokeh
ChezChiens: standing tall against the sky, the wind, the years [291-365]
ChezChiens: in the pink
ChezChiens: still life of sun-baked dogs [290-365]
ChezChiens: after the rain [289-365]
ChezChiens: blue sunset [287-365]
ChezChiens: rest a while [284-365]
ChezChiens: negative space [276-365]
ChezChiens: point of view [272-365]
ChezChiens: not rolling, mossy [270-365]