ChezChiens: speed
ChezChiens: Incongruity
ChezChiens: spawning season
ChezChiens: The End [365-365]
ChezChiens: Sometimes you're the dead fish floating down the river, sometimes you're the gal who was splashing around in that river until the dead fish came along. That's life. [363-365]
ChezChiens: Out on safari, I came round the raised beds and stumbled upon two giraffes enjoying the rich grasslands of the front yard savanna [359-365]
ChezChiens: Other Half [355-365]
ChezChiens: c'mon, throw it! [354-365]
ChezChiens: First In Line [350-365]
ChezChiens: bounty [349-365]
ChezChiens: spot the interloper [345-365]
ChezChiens: morning mist [336-365]
ChezChiens: looking out [327-365]
ChezChiens: the warm glow of neighborly rage [310-365]
ChezChiens: through a single window [306-365]
ChezChiens: A sweet high treble threads its silvery song [296-365]
ChezChiens: inside every turning leaf [292-365]
ChezChiens: standing tall against the sky, the wind, the years [291-365]
ChezChiens: after the rain [289-365]
ChezChiens: negative space [276-365]
ChezChiens: not rolling, mossy [270-365]
ChezChiens: hearts in the garden [266-365]
ChezChiens: you left your heart on my floor [261-365]
ChezChiens: everything in good time [257-365]
ChezChiens: the cherry blossoms seem particularly bittersweet this year [234-365]
ChezChiens: Flower World [228-365]
ChezChiens: yes, that is essentially a prison tat in her ear
ChezChiens: Welcome, wild harbinger of spring! [213-365]
ChezChiens: dredging since 1914
ChezChiens: a benefit of being coupled [194-365]