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the good old days in their good old ways by Chez C.
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Chez C.
the old watch smith i
Chez C.
the old watch smith ii
Chez C.
hands of an old watch smith
Chez C.
old times
Chez C.
time.. and more time
Chez C.
a watch smith's work bench
Chez C.
forgotten time
Chez C.
sewing patchwork of memories
Chez C.
old tailor of pasir puteh
Chez C.
a tailor's paint brush
Chez C.
old shop, electric fan & prunes
Chez C.
yellow stairs
Chez C.
barber at Pasir Puteh
Chez C.
his chair, her chair and one for the kids
Chez C.
chair inside the barber shop
Chez C.
chairs outside the barber shop
Chez C.
師傅 | cut with precision
Chez C.
採耳 | ear picking service
Chez C.
多勞多得 | pay chips
Chez C.
祝君早安! | Good Morning Towel
Chez C.
刀鋒 | razor sharp
Chez C.
under the blade
Chez C.
大紅 | the big red
Chez C.
Three Mountain Barber (Air-conditioned) | 三山冷氣理髮店
Chez C.
For potential customers only | 客戶轉用
Chez C.
It's a long lonely wait | 等...
Chez C.
The old partnership of clocks & clothes | 鐘錶匠+裁縫師的老拍檔
Chez C.
Precious time | 老鐘匠 - 惜緣
Chez C.
A clock-smith's desk | 鐘匠的木桌
Chez C.
Clock smith at work | 時間工作站
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