beziat: 2/365 - I love chocolate milk in the morning.
beziat: 1/365 - self, black shirt
beziat: 3/365 - Strike Beard: As Good As It Gets
beziat: 4/365 - Rinse and spit
beziat: 5/365 - Don't bug me when I'm reading.
beziat: 6/365 - Sadly, the season ended as I figured it would.
beziat: 7/365 - Sometimes, I dress up.
beziat: 8/365 - It's "lift with your back," right?
beziat: 9/365
beziat: 10/365 - Webcam for a Monocle
beziat: 11/365 - Worry Wart
beziat: 12/365 - Momentarily at rest.
beziat: 13/365 - Just In Time
beziat: 14/365 - "Always On The Run" - Lenny Kravitz