MaryMTB: Prize Sheep and Announcer
MaryMTB: Meadow Medley
MaryMTB: Me petting large sheep
MaryMTB: Seahorse Poodle
MaryMTB: The pattern for Bobbin Lace
MaryMTB: The pins keep the braiding in place.
MaryMTB: The proper way to have one's Elizabeth
MaryMTB: Snow Star Farm
MaryMTB: The hole in the Cestari I made
MaryMTB: The dyelot I didn't buy
MaryMTB: Barneswallow
MaryMTB: Bobbin Lace Kit for next year
MaryMTB: Bobbin lace
MaryMTB: Brooks Farm
MaryMTB: Cestari Bulky Goldenrod
MaryMTB: This guy was a large sheepie.
MaryMTB: Alpaca Elegance
MaryMTB: Lambies!