Chewy Chua: popski
Chewy Chua: mom and dad
Chewy Chua: me and my dad
Chewy Chua: awww cute baby!
Chewy Chua: jb warming up
Chewy Chua: pre-party sarah
Chewy Chua: ninang cherrie and mom
Chewy Chua: rowie and mike
Chewy Chua: maita and nix
Chewy Chua: ela joanne and mackie
Chewy Chua: my and my cuz mccoy... doc joel where are you??
Chewy Chua: ina carby and moi
Chewy Chua: jeff tim and jet
Chewy Chua: magic jaymee and ela
Chewy Chua: jules with jerome (don't blink next time)
Chewy Chua: cha and bayan (nice to meet you dude)
Chewy Chua: carby me and cheryll
Chewy Chua: enjoying the feast
Chewy Chua: lovely ladies
Chewy Chua: mary jo, ela, teena's lovely daughter and teena
Chewy Chua: alexie and ela
Chewy Chua: hey marcus, how's the food?
Chewy Chua: jaimee fizo and jb
Chewy Chua: bunny ears for fizo
Chewy Chua: marcus and ela
Chewy Chua: marcus with his singaporean friend
Chewy Chua: partners with magic
Chewy Chua: partners in crime
Chewy Chua: with my boss and my web idol mike, and their lovely wives
Chewy Chua: with my college barkada