chewy_fruit_loop: swollen batteries
chewy_fruit_loop: rack from the back
chewy_fruit_loop: rack front
chewy_fruit_loop: racks from the back
chewy_fruit_loop: racks from the front
chewy_fruit_loop: comms and main rack
chewy_fruit_loop: floor standing kit
chewy_fruit_loop: disk recovery attempt
chewy_fruit_loop: hard disk in the ice box
chewy_fruit_loop: Cisco Catalyst 2960G
chewy_fruit_loop: Dell Powervault 124T
chewy_fruit_loop: New servers go here
chewy_fruit_loop: Server goes here
chewy_fruit_loop: Server two balancing
chewy_fruit_loop: Inserted in the rack
chewy_fruit_loop: Both servers in place
chewy_fruit_loop: Changed desks for a bit
chewy_fruit_loop: multilingual
chewy_fruit_loop: net registration
chewy_fruit_loop: Guts of the beast
chewy_fruit_loop: desk full of cruft
chewy_fruit_loop: the great office desk move day
chewy_fruit_loop: the great office desk move day
chewy_fruit_loop: the great office desk move day