chever ( very busy ): The bee that makes the honey doesn't stand around the hive, and the man who makes the money has to worry work, and strive....
chever ( very busy ): Love is in the air....
chever ( very busy ): From family of bugs...?
chever ( very busy ): "Feelings" are like soft flowers, do not "Touch" them with harsh words...
chever ( very busy ): Beauty will just fade away...
chever ( very busy ): Just hold on..
chever ( very busy ): Ants and Aphids..
chever ( very busy ): Have a blessed Sunday to everyone...
chever ( very busy ): Have a great start of the week to all !!!!
chever ( very busy ): Happy father's day to all great daddy....
chever ( very busy ): Honey Bee...
chever ( very busy ): Grasshopper...
chever ( very busy ): PLANTHOPPER..
chever ( very busy ): Wasp in Love...
chever ( very busy ): Mating Bugs...
chever ( very busy ): Preparing for rainy season...
chever ( very busy ): Blue banded Bee..
chever ( very busy ): Evening Brown Butterfly..
chever ( very busy ): Danaid Eggfly Butterfly...
chever ( very busy ): Bee in pollen..
chever ( very busy ): I'm tired today...
chever ( very busy ): Clouded Yellow Butterfly..... Explore today... thank you all !!
chever ( very busy ): Thirsty Fly ?
chever ( very busy ): Can you take me picture please ??...
chever ( very busy ): Hopping with a Hopper ..