ChetPix: Security at Taj!
ChetPix: the sky so grey... :( .. It rained :) ....
ChetPix: Taj - the - beauty...!
ChetPix: Drops on the lens... but couldn't really stop clicking at that moment....
ChetPix: My colleagues - viewing the beauty.. albeit for the pic .. ;)
ChetPix: WideAngle
ChetPix: DSC_0542
ChetPix: Minakari.. (the art)
ChetPix: DSC_0571
ChetPix: she knows he will make it one day :P ... and he wonders.... he has to make one for her too?! ;)
ChetPix: after a bit of the sun shines..
ChetPix: Symmatric?
ChetPix: DSC_0707
ChetPix: Sun set.. frm ITC...
ChetPix: In the hotel...
ChetPix: DSC_0778
ChetPix: "Yesterday" behind a blossoming "today"...
ChetPix: DSC_0780
ChetPix: DSC_0787
ChetPix: DSC_0794
ChetPix: DSC_0804
ChetPix: DSC_0811
ChetPix: DSC_0815
ChetPix: DSC_0816
ChetPix: Love this pic..
ChetPix: Sunbird
ChetPix: DSC_0826
ChetPix: DSC_0829
ChetPix: DSC_0840