Chetham's Library: Figure 8 & Toboggan, Belle Vue, Manchester (front)
Chetham's Library: The Helter Skelter, Belle Vue Gardens, Manchester
Chetham's Library: The Ocean Wave, Zoological Gardens, Belle Vue, Manchester (front)
Chetham's Library: [Belle Vue Fun Fair]
Chetham's Library: Belle Vue. [Ocean Wave]
Chetham's Library: Helter Skelter, Belle Vue (front)
Chetham's Library: Belle Vue, Gorton [Palm Court entrance]
Chetham's Library: Amusement Park Belle Vue (front)
Chetham's Library: Little boys driving an automobile on the Belle Vue Merry-go-round
Chetham's Library: School Sports Day, Belle Vue, July 1946
Chetham's Library: School Sports Day, Belle Vue, July 1946
Chetham's Library: School Sports Day, Belle Vue, July 1946
Chetham's Library: Russian family on the merry-go-round
Chetham's Library: Russian family on the merry-go-round (bumper cars)
Chetham's Library: Russian family on the merry-go-round
Chetham's Library: Russian family on the merry-go-round
Chetham's Library: “Eileen, Elaine and Mary” ride the Scenic Railway, September 1962
Chetham's Library: The water chute
Chetham's Library: Ferris wheel
Chetham's Library: Roller coaster ride
Chetham's Library: Belle Vue Tour
Chetham's Library: Belle Vue Tour
Chetham's Library: Entrance to the Bobs roller-coaster ride
Chetham's Library: View of the the Amusement Park and the wider area
Chetham's Library: Crowds at Belle Vue
Chetham's Library: Rides at the Amusement Park
Chetham's Library: Belle Vue Rollercoaster
Chetham's Library: Amusement Park
Chetham's Library: Crowd at the Amusement Park
Chetham's Library: A variety of rides at Belle Vue