Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
pipevine swallowtail in the field
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
swallowtail chrysalis
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
black swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
black swallowtail on pickerelweed
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
room for one more
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
female eastern tiger swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
eastern tiger swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
upside-down and backward
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
tiger swallowtail on pickerelweed
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
fresh swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
swallowtail behind pickerelweed
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
swallowtail fill-the-frame
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
patterns of the giant swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
giant swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
giant swallowtail butterfly on coneflower
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
giant swallowtail takes flight above coneflowers
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
spicebush swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
zebra swallowtail on flowers
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
my first zebra
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
tiger swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
worn beauty 1
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
worn beauty 2
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
dark form of the eastern tiger swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
swallowtail in flight 1
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
female tiger swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
swallowtail on thistle
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
flying swallowtail
Cheryl Dunlop Molin:
spicebush swallowtail on buttonbush