links09: Sunset on Cannon Beach
links09: Hwy 26 on the way to Cannon Beach
links09: 011
links09: DSC_6354
links09: Scrub Jay
links09: DSC_4325
links09: 024
links09: DSC_6511
links09: DSC_5140
links09: DSC_5223
links09: Sitting pretty
links09: frosty delight
links09: DSC_5712
links09: 191
links09: crocus
links09: The perfect ending
links09: A rainy morning
links09: House Sparrow with lunch
links09: Golden-crowned Sparrow
links09: Celebrate!
links09: Purple Lupines
links09: Potato Beetle
links09: Hummer
links09: Beautiful red barn
links09: Laden down
links09: Out for a stretch
links09: White-Crowned Sparrow
links09: The Columbia River I-5 Bridge
links09: Klineline_HDR