cherylkerkin: The view from the Shard
cherylkerkin: The view from the Shard looking up
cherylkerkin: Shard view Upwards1
cherylkerkin: My cottage, Honley, Yorkshire
cherylkerkin: Hotel in Scarborough
cherylkerkin: A Yorkshire church
cherylkerkin: Hungerford Bridge before rebuilding. Printed in a darkroom and tinted with dyes. Later effects added by computer.
cherylkerkin: The view from the Shard
cherylkerkin: The Shard
cherylkerkin: Il Duomo
cherylkerkin: Il Duomo - Milan
cherylkerkin: Berlin Collage
cherylkerkin: Vapour trails-Honley Village
cherylkerkin: Il Duomo
cherylkerkin: Berlin
cherylkerkin: Berlin
cherylkerkin: Berlin
cherylkerkin: Berlin - Kadewe store
cherylkerkin: Il Duomo
cherylkerkin: Il Duomo
cherylkerkin: Il Duomo
cherylkerkin: Il Duomo
cherylkerkin: Il Duomo