cherylefrancis: Fiber in bags
cherylefrancis: Wintergreen Mittens
cherylefrancis: Foxfire Fibers
cherylefrancis: Judy in her VW!
cherylefrancis: Me and the baby
cherylefrancis: Carole and the Baby
cherylefrancis: Carole and Dale and the baby
cherylefrancis: Carole and Norma
cherylefrancis: Honey Sticks
cherylefrancis: Alpaca chewing
cherylefrancis: Another Alpaca chewing
cherylefrancis: Alpaca sort of smiling
cherylefrancis: Jacob Shawl
cherylefrancis: Jacob Shawl
cherylefrancis: Friends Folly booth
cherylefrancis: Sheep looking at me
cherylefrancis: Sheep talking to little kid
cherylefrancis: Swine Barn
cherylefrancis: Shearing Post
cherylefrancis: Erin and her new Fleece
cherylefrancis: Erin and the snow
cherylefrancis: Wool in a basket
cherylefrancis: Carole, Manise, Kathy, and Erin
cherylefrancis: Kettle Corn
cherylefrancis: Sheep Dog
cherylefrancis: NH Sheep and Wool 2008