cheryl c.: new bookcase
cheryl c.: through the glass darkly
cheryl c.: Field and flowers
cheryl c.: The sacred drum
cheryl c.: Girls in the mirror
cheryl c.: Dogtown stone
cheryl c.: sunflower
cheryl c.: through the arch
cheryl c.: aspen trees along the river
cheryl c.: the first snowfall of the season
cheryl c.: tea on the ranch
cheryl c.: Lunch date
cheryl c.: Lavender blue, dilly, dilly
cheryl c.: Saddle up
cheryl c.: the baby tossing apples
cheryl c.: Mama black bear
cheryl c.: Meet Riley
cheryl c.: Minaret Vista
cheryl c.: One more tree
cheryl c.: Sunrise over Mammoth
cheryl c.: Beautfiul land of my heart
cheryl c.: Me and my shadow.....again
cheryl c.: sunrise at mono lake
cheryl c.: Maybe we like the hat better.
cheryl c.: Tis the season
cheryl c.: red berry branch in winter
cheryl c.: Winter-Time
cheryl c.: Burberry Boy
cheryl c.: bling
cheryl c.: It's been a long day