cheryl c.: Up out of the cement
cheryl c.: Field and flowers
cheryl c.: tulip glow
cheryl c.: tipped tulips
cheryl c.: Poofs and blue sky
cheryl c.: A bright mixture
cheryl c.: Peppermint amaryllis
cheryl c.: Odd man out
cheryl c.: pine cones in may
cheryl c.: Lewis Monkey Flower
cheryl c.: Mules ear
cheryl c.: Pretty in pink
cheryl c.: A spash of color
cheryl c.: The nunnery.
cheryl c.: Orchid buds blooming.
cheryl c.: early morning flower shopping
cheryl c.: Sunrise
cheryl c.: At the farm
cheryl c.: IMG_6641.JPG
cheryl c.: trumpet flower
cheryl c.: reaching
cheryl c.: shadows
cheryl c.: flame
cheryl c.: pastel peony
cheryl c.: Goodmorning Ms. Daisy
cheryl c.: Flowering cactus
cheryl c.: Bee keeping
cheryl c.: Black-eyed susan's
cheryl c.: Rock garden
cheryl c.: after the rain