Cheryl & Rich: The Snout, Picton
Cheryl & Rich: Grape Protection From Birds
Cheryl & Rich: Malborough Sauv Blanc Grapes!
Cheryl & Rich: Malborough Wine and Vines!
Cheryl & Rich: Silly Kiwi Ped Crossing
Cheryl & Rich: Peds and Bikes are Last in NZ
Cheryl & Rich: Are You Kidding?
Cheryl & Rich: Wine Tasting Smile!
Cheryl & Rich: Cheryl Finds Nirvana!
Cheryl & Rich: Another NZ Track
Cheryl & Rich: Tramping Up Into the Mist
Cheryl & Rich: Why Didn't We Find This Place?
Cheryl & Rich: Look Out! Sheep?!?
Cheryl & Rich: The Noble Sheep
Cheryl & Rich: The Road to SawCut Gorge
Cheryl & Rich: What Are You Looking At?
Cheryl & Rich: That Water is Cold!!!!!
Cheryl & Rich: Yup, just Rich and the Rocks
Cheryl & Rich: Bathing In the Gorge
Cheryl & Rich: Cheryl PRETENDING to Bathe
Cheryl & Rich: Amazing Sawcut Gorge
Cheryl & Rich: Sawcut by Nature
Cheryl & Rich: Entering the Gorge
Cheryl & Rich: Amazing NZ- No One Here!
Cheryl & Rich: Check That Rock Stability
Cheryl & Rich: New Zealand By Foot 037
Cheryl & Rich: New Zealand By Foot 036
Cheryl & Rich: New Zealand By Foot 035
Cheryl & Rich: My Shoes Are Wet:(
Cheryl & Rich: New Zealand By Foot 033