cheryl strahl:
Teaching the Cubs
cheryl strahl:
Can You Hear Me Now
cheryl strahl:
A Walk Along the Creek (Explored)
cheryl strahl:
cheryl strahl:
Time for a Break
cheryl strahl:
Cubs Playing I
cheryl strahl:
Cubs Playing II (DROH)
cheryl strahl:
Over the Chigmit Mountains
cheryl strahl:
Just a Little Fiber (Explored)
cheryl strahl:
Too Close for Comfort (Explored)
cheryl strahl:
Just Practicing
cheryl strahl:
Watching for the Salmon
cheryl strahl:
The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side
cheryl strahl:
Milky Way over the Tufas
cheryl strahl:
Just a Little Nip (Explored)
cheryl strahl:
Kickin Up the Dust
cheryl strahl:
White and Wild
cheryl strahl:
The Color Palette of the Palouse (DROH)
cheryl strahl:
Griffon Vultures at Sunset
cheryl strahl:
Four Guys on a Bench in Carmona (Explored)
cheryl strahl:
Historic Light
cheryl strahl:
Who Called the Meeting
cheryl strahl:
Glorious Color (Explored)
cheryl strahl:
Sunrise in Tule Fog in Merced
cheryl strahl:
Morning Light
cheryl strahl:
Sunrise on Merced NWR II (Explored)
cheryl strahl:
Sunset on Merced NWR
cheryl strahl:
Sandhill Cranes Converse
cheryl strahl:
Northern Mockingbird
cheryl strahl:
Snow Moon & Morro Rock