cheroberta123: Woo hoo...there goes Miss Cleo...she is looking good!!
cheroberta123: "Berkie, I have been waiting by the phone all day!"
cheroberta123: "Berkie? Is that you?
cheroberta123: "Can I go on a date with Berkie....please?"
cheroberta123: My Aunt said I am too young to date...I am going home and asking my Mom!
cheroberta123: Cleo has a boyfriend??? Who is he?
cheroberta123: aunt said I can go on a date...How about you??
cheroberta123: Day dreaming....
cheroberta123: He loves me........
cheroberta123: Berkie....why haven't you called?
cheroberta123: "I have eyes for you, Miss Cleo!"
cheroberta123: Christmas Greetings from Miss Cleo!