chericbaker: Cezanne c1885 L'Estaque
chericbaker: Cezanne 1894-1905 Les Grandes Baigneuses
chericbaker: Cezanne 1895-9 Mont Sainte-Victoire from Bibémus
chericbaker: Cezanne 1900-6 Still life
chericbaker: Cezanne 1904 Mont Sainte-Victoire
chericbaker: Ladies who lunch
chericbaker: Doig, Night Bathers 2011-19
chericbaker: Doig, Music (2 Trees) 2019
chericbaker: Doig Alica at Boscoe's 2014-23
chericbaker: Doig, Canal 2023
chericbaker: Doig, Alpinist 2019-22
chericbaker: Doig, House of Music (Soca Boat) 2019-2
chericbaker: Doig, Music Shop 2019-23
chericbaker: Doig, Derek Walcott portrait 2016
chericbaker: Gaugin, Haystacks 1889
chericbaker: Manet, Bar at Folies-Bergère 1882
chericbaker: Renoir, La Loge 1874
chericbaker: Cézanne' Card Players c1894
chericbaker: Seurat, Man in a Boat c1884
chericbaker: The Delauney Counter
chericbaker: Courts of Justice
chericbaker: Pre dinner chat
chericbaker: Dinner party
chericbaker: The Eels at the Roundhouse
chericbaker: Kings Arms, Waterloo
chericbaker: Roupell St SE1, long Citroen
chericbaker: Kew Riverside blossom
chericbaker: Out walking with a friend
chericbaker: Hockney, stylised trees
chericbaker: Painting