衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Saline Royale D’Arc et Senans, France (Semi-Circular Geological Urban Pattern of France Royal Salt Field of Arc-et-Senans) 具有半圓形設計的法國皇家曬鹽場, 從衛星照就可以清楚看見人類形塑地貌的鬼斧神工, 這樣的類似地貌, 在台灣也有,就在台南將軍鄉的青鯤鯓漁村
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: The Quadrant Circular(or Fan-Shaped) Shape of Salt Field at Tainan's fishing village of Chi-Kwen-Shen, a most recognizable geological craftsman in Taiwan, clearly seen from the Satellite image 台灣海岸線上從外太空, 最清晰可見的人工幾何圖形 - 台南青鯤鯓漁村上面的扇形曬鹽場
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 台南青鯤鯓漁港 A fishing village in Tainan county-Chin-Kwen-Shen, historically an offshore island but become inland after 1936
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 台南青鯤鯓漁港日落即景 Sunset of historical fishing island of Chin-Kwen-Shen, Tainan
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 台南青鯤鯓漁港日落即景 Sunset of historical fishing island of Chin-Kwen-Shen, Tainan
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 台南青鯤鯓漁港日落即景 Sunset of historical fishing island of Chin-Kwen-Shen, Tainan
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Oyster Pie, the stall at the Chin-Kwen-Shen 青鯤鯓的老店-秀里蚵嗲
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Oyster Pie, under deep-frying 很值得等待的蚵嗲, 雖然生意很好, 每一份都是現場做的
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓沒有麼商店, 少數有招牌的就是這家"秀里蚵嗲" (There are no shop in Chin-Kwen-Shen and the few hanging sign leading to the stall of the Oyster Pie-ball)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 台南青鯤鯓漁港日落即景 Sunset of historical fishing island of Chin-Kwen-Shen, Tainan
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: The Menu of the Oyster Pie booth at Chin-Kwen-Shen 秀里蚵嗲的菜單
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Oyster Pie ball (蚵嗲) - A traditional southern Taiwanese pie deepdrief with corn flour with oysters, prawn other seafood, wrapped and mixed with srping onion and vegtables.. (秀里蚵嗲, 不敢吃蚵的人, 可以選擇花枝或蝦仁內餡)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓港邊的紅磚建築, 讓我想起英國的時光 (Houses in Chin-Kwen-Shen were also deeply influenced by western architecture)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓的漁港港邊, 似乎可以看得到西方建築, 可以證明青鯤鯓的歷史悠久, 且受到西式建築工法的影響 (Houses in Chin-Kwen-Shen were also deeply influenced by western architecture)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓這小漁村, 跟很多台灣的都是很不一樣的地方是使用大量的油漆, 幾乎每一棟民居都會上漆 (Almost every house in Chin-Kwen-Shen fishing village is painted with vivid colur, very rarely seen in Taiwan)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓這小漁村, 跟很多台灣的都是很不一樣的地方是使用大量的油漆, 幾乎每一棟民居都會塗上漆 (Almost every house in Chin-Kwen-Shen fishing village is painted with vivid colur, very rarely seen in Taiwan)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓唯一的大廟-朝天宮 (The Grand temple in Chin-Kwen-Shen village, dated back to 3 centuries ago,, just like a Cathedral in an old European township)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓唯一的大廟-朝天宮 (The Grand temple in Chin-Kwen-Shen village, dated back to 3 centuries ago, just like a Cathedral in an old European township)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 曬蝦乾是青鯤鯓曬烏魚子另外一個經濟活動 - Dried Prawns - a typical local economic activity in Chin-Kwen-Shen fishing village, Tainan, Taiwan
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 曬蝦乾是青鯤鯓曬烏魚子另外一個經濟活動 - Dried Prawns - a typical local economic activity in Chin-Kwen-Shen fishing village, Tainan, Taiwan
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Dried Shrimps 曬蝦仔, 曬漁貨是南臺灣漁村一項重要經濟活動
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 蚵仔, 也是重要的經濟來源
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Drying Shrimps and oysters shells 曬蝦仔 , 曬漁貨是南臺灣漁村一項重要經濟活動
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Drying raw fishes and middle sized shrimps 曬魚乾, 曬漁貨是南臺灣漁村一項重要經濟活動
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Dried Fishes 曬魚乾, 曬漁貨是南臺灣漁村一項重要經濟活動
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓小漁村裡面另外一座小廟, 奉祀觀音, 廟埕廣場挺大的, 也是用來處理旺季魚貨加工之用 (Even temple square in Chin-Kwen-Shen has another purpose of keeping fishing stock for peak season of fishing)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓魚村裡的民居, 應該都會有個三合院, 用來曬魚貨之類的 Court-yard layout is essential to traditional rural houses in Taiwan, in Chin-Kwen-Shen, courtyard is kept for fishing stocks
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓唯一的警察局, 位在大路上, 村民都是以警察局作為"指路"的相對位置... The Only Police Office in Chin-Kwen-Shen village and acts additionally as a geo-pointer for locals..
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 青鯤鯓裡可以發發現兩樓高的舊房子, 原本以為是閩南式建築的加高, 但仔細一看, 是工廠 (Workshop) 建築, 應該是為了儲存漁獲之用 (There are some workshop houses in fishing village of Chin-Kwen-Shen for the fishing storage)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Old houses in Chin-Kwen-Shen village, Tainan, Taiwan, 台南青鯤鯓漁村裡的老屋瓦