衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Taipei's 300 years old Song-Shang Mazhu Temple in preparation of President Ma arrival fo the Chinese New Year grand opening 我家旁的將近 300 年的松山媽祖廟(慈祐宮), 除夕當天正在準備馬總統的新春祈福禮儀, 可見慈祐宮在台北的重要性
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: The Red Chinese Bread (Mantoe shaped in different animal models), "MieGu"(麵龜) are typical food delight serving for the Gods during Chinese New Year in Taiwan 農曆過年裡一定會出現的麵龜
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Fried Chichen Widgets.... 雞翅是每年都會出現的一道菜
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 宜蘭煮法的佛跳牆, 一定把蛋派放在鍋內
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: A typical set of food served in CHinese New Year Eve for gods, ancestry and people who gather 我家的年夜飯
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Pork Chop and Eggs cooked in soy sauce 滷豬肉及滷蛋
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 長年菜, the leaves for long life, another Must-Have dish at the Chinese New Year Eve Dinner
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Fish, Pork, Chicken in Chinese Nea Year Eve Feast(or Dinner) examplied the major three domestic livestocks of Chinese cultivation to be served to Gods and Spirits 魚, 豬, 雞等三牲為中國年夜飯裡不可或缺的元素
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: The traditional Taiwanese family altar for preying Gods and ancestry 年夜飯要先請神明及祖先先用.
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Chinese New Year is also an important day for the Gods and family ancestry in Taiwan 過年對台灣人而言也是對神明及祖先祭拜的重要日子
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 年年有餘(魚) The plate of "fish" at Chinese Year Eve feast means that fortune and prospect can go on one after another year since "fish" is pronounced as "Yu" in Chinese, meaning left-over.
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: A roasted Chiken for the Chinese New Year Eve feast, one of the dishes for the New Year Eve gathering 年夜飯理必出現的烤雞
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 農曆年的祭神祭祖後, 就要年夜飯了
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 貼春聯, 是每年的活動
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 大年初一, 慈祐宮人聲鼎沸, 進廟裡要排隊
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 大年初一, 慈祐宮人聲鼎沸, 剛剛總統來過
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 大年初一, 慈祐宮人聲鼎沸
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 春聯不曉得還可以貼哪裡, 就貼衣櫃吧
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: "松山媽", 祝大家新年快樂, 國家國運昌隆 Taipei 260-s years old Song Shang Mazhu Temple lit-up for Lunar New Year
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: We centered arounf the Bo-Bo...今年大家會狗運, "虎"氣啦!
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: We centered arounf the Bo-Bo...今年大家會狗運, "虎"氣啦!