衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower, seen from the shadow
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower, seen from the shadow
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower, seen from Gu-Shang Hills
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower, seen from former British Embassy House at Gu-Shang Hills
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower forming a splendid skyline of Kaohsiung City
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower forming a splendid skyline of Kaohsiung City
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower and the grand containers at the harbour
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower stands by the Kaohsiung Bay
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 85 Sky Tower growing on the Tree Line Boulevard
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Spider Net and 85 Sky Tower (Taken from 星光碼頭 Star Wharf)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 貨櫃藝術框中的八五國際大樓 KSH 85 Sky Tower, grows from containers
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: 高雄的未來發展地段 Panaromic View from 85 Sky Tower Kaohsiung - Looking to the harbour area
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Panaromic View from 85 Sky Tower Kaohsiung - Looking to the harbour area
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Panaromic View from 85 Sky Tower Kaohsiung - Looking to the harbour area
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Panaromic View from 85 Sky Tower Kaohsiung..Taiwan
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Panaromic View from 85 Sky Tower Kaohsiung
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: An man, by the harbour of Kaohsiung.. looking at 85 Sky Tower
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築: Panaromic View from 85 Sky Tower Kaohsiung - Looking to the harbour area and the north rock-hill 高雄八五國際大樓鳥瞰大高雄