衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Fish & Chips, in York
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
A traditional English meal at King's Manor House, University of York, England
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Let your Shoes sniff for the food, London, England
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
It is not that all expensive in England, 3 for 1 pound, St Albans, England, UK
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
The food served after the wedding... Oriental style take-away... prepared by the chief who is also Erik's friend in the church....
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
My first bite during UK tour, Ice Cream off the shop windows
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Me and (Erik & Denise)'s Family returned to York after the trip to Whitby..... Eating at a CJK restaurant (C: Chinese, J: Japanese, K: Korean)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
The Startbucks at York City Center, England (約克古城內的星巴克)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
First came with "English Breakfast Tea", My English Breakfast at "Michael's Guest House", Petergate, York, UK
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Came with slides of Grapefruit, My English Breakfast at "Michael's Guest House", Petergate, York, UK
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Toasts, My English Breakfast at "Michael's Guest House", Petergate, York, UK
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Main Course....My English Breakfast at "Michael's Guest House", Petergate, York, UK
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Baked tomato... Golden Baked....My English Breakfast at "Michael's Guest House", Petergate, York, UK
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
"Cakes" of an English Afternoon Tea in Liberty? -London Liberty, UK
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Japanese noodles, in Osaka, only costs 190 Yen if you eat without a chair.. 站著吃的烏龍麵,soba 喬麵只要 日幣 190 元
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
越式蝦餅 - 好大一片 (看看旁邊的筷子)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Ice-cream of Hokaido...sold at Kaohsiung DreamWorld Shopping Mall 海鹽口味的冰淇淋
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Having Dinner at a Korean Restaurant
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Korean Hot Soup
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
萬鑾豬腳....Wan-Luang Pork leg portions. Only $5 a plate like this
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Steam-pot at a military village at Kaohsiung...Taiwan
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Breakfast at Hotel One Taichung
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Was I putting too much food in my plate?
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Troops Hot Korean Pot...at Chi-Da night market. 韓國式的部隊火鍋 (台北師大夜市--小飯館兒)
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
Curry and Spicy Twin Hotpot at Spicy Bar.. Taipei 台北忠孝東路.. 麻辣霸子...咖哩麻辣鍋
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
皮蛋上特殊的花紋 A Century Egg inprinted with snow flake patterns
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
烏來的特色食物 - 番薯籤... 入了晚餐的料理!
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
衛城 (Willie Chen) 的閱讀建築:
越式蝦餅 - 蛋皮煎烤得恰到好處