Paul Chenoweth: Daybreak's Song - Whistling Vessel - Close-up
Paul Chenoweth: Daybreak's Song - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Daybreak's Song - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Daybreak's Song - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Whistling Vessel - Test Sculpture
Paul Chenoweth: Half way mark of sculpture assembly
Paul Chenoweth: Maquette with Design Sketches
Paul Chenoweth: Daybreak's Song - Whistling Vessel (3)
Paul Chenoweth: Daybreak's Song - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Daybreak's Song - Whistling Vessel (2)
Paul Chenoweth: Sonorous Stones - Front
Paul Chenoweth: Sonorous Stones - Rear
Paul Chenoweth: Orbital Symphony - Vertical
Paul Chenoweth: Orbital Symphony - End
Paul Chenoweth: Orbital Symphony - Close Up of Fill Tube/Cap
Paul Chenoweth: Orbital Symphony - Whistling Water Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Ceremonial Bottle - Vertical - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Ceremonial Bottle Spout
Paul Chenoweth: Ceremonial Bottle - Left Side - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Ceremonial Bottle Spout
Paul Chenoweth: Ceremonial Bottle Stopper
Paul Chenoweth: Ceremonial Bottle Stopper
Paul Chenoweth: Ceremonial Bottle
Paul Chenoweth: Ceremonial Bottle
Paul Chenoweth: Fowl Mask - Mouth-Detail - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Fowl Mask - Profile View - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Fowl Mask - Close-up - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Fowl Mask - Top View - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Fowl Mask - Profile View - Whistling Vessel
Paul Chenoweth: Fowl Mask - Front View - Whistling Vessel