Paul Chenoweth:
Right Leaning Debate Banner
Paul Chenoweth:
New Peekaboo Tower View - Belmont University
Paul Chenoweth:
Gabhart Center, Tower, and Summer Color
Paul Chenoweth:
New View To Tower and Gabhart Student Center - Belmont University
Paul Chenoweth:
West Amphitheater - Belmont University 2008
Paul Chenoweth:
Big Banner - Belmont University
Paul Chenoweth:
Music City Marathon - Belmont Presidential Debate Banner
Paul Chenoweth:
Signs of the Presidential Debate at Belmont
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont Boulevard Presidential Debate Banner
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont Tower with Presidental Debate Banner
Paul Chenoweth:
Desaturated Campus with Presidential Debate Banners
Paul Chenoweth:
Cue the Music - Roll the Credits
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont University Debate Signage and Seasonal Color
Paul Chenoweth:
Petunias at the Curb Event Center - Belmont University
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont Tower under Blue Skies
Paul Chenoweth:
Curb Event Center - Video Board
Paul Chenoweth:
New Debate 08 Banners - Beaman Student Life Center
Paul Chenoweth:
Tile Effect on Debate 08 Image
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont University - Debate '08 Preparations
Paul Chenoweth:
Roses at Belmont University
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont University - Debate Focused
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont University in Bloom 2008
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont University Tower at Night
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont University Historic Tower
Paul Chenoweth:
Media Tent Framing Nears Completion
Paul Chenoweth:
Belmont University - Media Tent Enclosed
Paul Chenoweth:
North Side - Media Tent with Air Conditioning
Paul Chenoweth:
60 Miles of Cable - Media Tent at Belmont University
Paul Chenoweth:
Media Tent at Night - Belmont University
Paul Chenoweth:
Media Filing Tent Banners - Belmont University