fixosign: Each giraffe has a unique coat pattern, something like our fingerprints :)
fixosign: Giraffes are blessed with excellent eyesight. This helps them keep an eye on each other from a distance.
fixosign: Did you know this about a Giraffe ?
fixosign: The tongue of an adult giraffe measures 27".
fixosign: Giraffes sleep for no more than 5 to 30 minutes in 24 hours.
fixosign: Every step a giraffe takes is 15 feet in length.
fixosign: A lion can die if kicked by a giraffe.
fixosign: Giraffes have elastic blood vessels in their necks, this makes it possible for them to drink water from a stream, without fainting.
fixosign: A giraffes age can be calculated from its spots, as the darker the spots, the older the giraffe.