Behind.Blue.Eyes: Outside the Forbidden City....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Inside the Massive Forbidden City.....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: It looks so old......
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Courtyard inside Forbidden City.....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Not so Forbidden......
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Forbidden Foreigners......
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Crowds in the Imperial Gardens...
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Imperial Gardens....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Imperial Gardens...
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Posing Rock.....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Dragonclaw Tree in Imperial Garden....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Leaving the Forbidden City....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Yellow Rose outside Forbidden City....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Our Motorcycle Taxi.....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Paying our fare...
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Goodbye!!!
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Olympic Fever....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Beijing at Night....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Colonel Lee......
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Peking Duck Restaraunt...
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Tianamen Square at night.....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Taking on the Great Wall....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: The start of the Great Wall hike....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Beginning our hike.....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Another one.....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Hiking the wall....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Jason and the Wall
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Stairway to Heaven.....
Behind.Blue.Eyes: Ten steps above me......