Jaclyn Teh ..: Have a nice sleep.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Back of angkor wat.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Angkor Wat
Jaclyn Teh ..: Phnom Bakheng- We are trying to climb here to catch the sunset but finally heavy rain came. : (
Jaclyn Teh ..: Hi, finally I can load in pic in Siem Reap.B4 I came here. I had many advise from Sir Gordon.Thanks Sir Gordon
Jaclyn Teh ..: Amazing face of Buddha.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Uncle Thom.
Jaclyn Teh ..: After 7.am all the tourist went off..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Amazing place.
Jaclyn Teh ..: My son is a buddist..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Fly to the sky.
Jaclyn Teh ..: This is ??
Jaclyn Teh ..: Tall son with short mum : )
Jaclyn Teh ..: SunRise- Angkor Wat
Jaclyn Teh ..: The place need more to take care..
Jaclyn Teh ..: not really touch..
Jaclyn Teh ..: DSC_0328
Jaclyn Teh ..: Touching the faces..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Up side down my camera.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Cleanning the grass..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Zoooommm...
Jaclyn Teh ..: How many faceof Buddha?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Pray for the wrold..
Jaclyn Teh ..: The red piano pub.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Beautiful Bar street.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Beautiful lighting.
Jaclyn Teh ..: good place for clubbing.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Infront the main street.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Beautiful bar decoration.