Jaclyn Teh ..: Yup..Handsome actor,he act as a NS trainer.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Edmund is one of the main actor..Edmund you are great actor..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Decoration on the stage, Hoping all my student can attend the show.A show worth to watch.
Jaclyn Teh ..: A poster of the kaki Blue,Hope all my students can spend the time to watch this..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Tonight I went to KLPAC watch a musical show..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Nice meal but Jan did not eat much..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Indian food..
Jaclyn Teh ..: A place that flickr meet..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Pink + white church..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Flickr meet..