Jaclyn Teh ..: One of my favourite click.
Jaclyn Teh ..: We enjoy the ride..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Love here too..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Hotel..
Jaclyn Teh ..: London bridege + birds
Jaclyn Teh ..: Flickr member ,Do you know this architeture
Jaclyn Teh ..: Cant remember this place too?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Which one you like?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Love this..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Kei and the tower!!
Jaclyn Teh ..: headache to click this..
Jaclyn Teh ..: London Tower..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Fish and chips
Jaclyn Teh ..: Many Birds near London Tower.
Jaclyn Teh ..: I love London
Jaclyn Teh ..: Chocolate time..
Jaclyn Teh ..: I love the sky..
Jaclyn Teh ..: London eye..
Jaclyn Teh ..: London Bridge..( make a mistake on this,John told me this is Tower Bridge)
Jaclyn Teh ..: Sound of music..
Jaclyn Teh ..: cool......
Jaclyn Teh ..: Love this..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Saturday night fever??
Jaclyn Teh ..: Who is the man?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Kei and I really dun know what is this?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Palace Garden?
Jaclyn Teh ..: A flower is not better when it blooms than when it is merely a bud;at each stage it is the same thing- a flower in the process of expressing its potential.
Jaclyn Teh ..: This is the big bus..
Jaclyn Teh ..: In the big bus..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Lion is watching you..