Jaclyn Teh ..: Above a shop in St Gallen
Jaclyn Teh ..: Another design ..
Jaclyn Teh ..: St Gallen is clean and neat..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Lightling..
Jaclyn Teh ..: A condolence-This is specially for lgtanG also my brother in law..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Clean n neat..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Kei saw this..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Windown shopping..
Jaclyn Teh ..: sorry- No idea what building is this?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Guys..today bring all yr guys visit St Gallen..r u ready the trip?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Have a seat...
Jaclyn Teh ..: Back to sme of my Europe pictures..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Which one u like?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Swiss shops..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Cant understand those word..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Well decoration duting Christmas time..
Jaclyn Teh ..: I will buy sme..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Sheep/ lamp..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Back to sme of my Europe pic..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Also cant remember d name of this building.Maybe Mr.Owl can answer it.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Just click..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Just in red..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Have a seat..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Atcually I dun know why?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Hi..Dear flickr friend..back to sme of my pic not finish yet ;load in..
Jaclyn Teh ..: In English..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Out look of the church..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Art work...
Jaclyn Teh ..: Porch Chruch..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Pipe Organ in the Church..