Jaclyn Teh ..: Camera shopping..
Jaclyn Teh ..: 12 years different...
Jaclyn Teh ..: Baden..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Jan in big trouble..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Big sun! Kei..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Jan and Kei Kei.
Jaclyn Teh ..: My favourite.
Jaclyn Teh ..: Big letter box..
Jaclyn Teh ..: Handsome boy..
Jaclyn Teh ..: My student n their mum.
Jaclyn Teh ..: House that Kei now staying..
Jaclyn Teh ..: I use walk arond here..
Jaclyn Teh ..: sme shop near Yang's hse.
Jaclyn Teh ..: We visit this place too.
Jaclyn Teh ..: In Baden?
Jaclyn Teh ..: Street in Baden.