crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
hillside houses
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
burnham park
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
burnham park
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
burnham park
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
"Love is the shortest distance between hearts."
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” - Henry Miller
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” ~ Edmund Hillary
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
into the light
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
"A successful life is one that is lived through understanding and pursuing one's own path, not chasing after the dreams of others."
crazyfroglegz [catching flies]:
“Success is not the destination, its the journey”