ALH Photos:
Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park
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Sewing Machine
ALH Photos:
The Missouri River from Fort Abraham Lincoln block house
ALH Photos:
TR Entrance Sign
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 14
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 2
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 3
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 4
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 5
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 6
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 7
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 8
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 9
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 10
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 11
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 12
ALH Photos:
North Petrified Forest Trail 13
ALH Photos:
Horses from the Petrified Forest Trail
ALH Photos:
Horses from the Petrified Forest Trail 2
ALH Photos:
Peaceful Valley Ranch
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Overlook 2
ALH Photos:
TR's Horses
ALH Photos:
TR's Horses 2
ALH Photos:
TR's Horses 3
ALH Photos:
TR's Horses 4
ALH Photos:
TR's Horses 5