Chelu Photos: Lola's Care
Chelu Photos: Mother's Love
Chelu Photos: Before Entrance
Chelu Photos: Reading
Chelu Photos: Blessing
Chelu Photos: Annointment with holy oil
Chelu Photos: Baptism
Chelu Photos: We baptize thee, Marcus Gavin
Chelu Photos: Bata Dressing
Chelu Photos: Dressed into Christianity
Chelu Photos: For Guidance
Chelu Photos: Father, mother and son
Chelu Photos: The Candle
Chelu Photos: On this joyous day of his Baptism
Chelu Photos: Family Portrait with Father Walsh
Chelu Photos: With Extended Family
Chelu Photos: A son, his parents and his grand parents
Chelu Photos: Favorite Lola
Chelu Photos: Lola & Lolo
Chelu Photos: Chapel of the Good Shepherd
Chelu Photos: Ninongs