Chelseabirdd: Standing on the edge.
Chelseabirdd: I am an old soul.
Chelseabirdd: We are all just a branch on this tree that we call life.
Chelseabirdd: The graveyard where Doc Holliday is buried. More photos in comments.
Chelseabirdd: Went for a walk in downtown today.
Chelseabirdd: Sacred Grounds in Glenwod Springs, Colorado.
Chelseabirdd: Hanging at Doghouse Espresso.
Chelseabirdd: It doesn't feel like summer.
Chelseabirdd: Happy 13th birthday brother!
Chelseabirdd: The other man in my life.
Chelseabirdd: Bagels!
Chelseabirdd: Coffee.
Chelseabirdd: Roasted!
Chelseabirdd: Lost in mirror land.
Chelseabirdd: Stairway to who knows where.
Chelseabirdd: Last summer.