Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: Take a photo of a fight.....i happen to capture this beauty. Special Thanks to Mary for breaking this up.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: And....Chrissy climbed a fence.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: I still dont know what he was....but i knew I wanted my photo with him.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: boyz.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: I was challenged to a moon walk - dance i did what any normal person would do, accepted the challenge!
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: I was challenged to a moon walk - dance i did what any normal person would do, accepted the challenge!
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: these 2 are TALL.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: Thank you bartender, i do want that beer.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: crowd dance off.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: blurry cab ride home.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: I thought I'd be clever and have the only Polaroid camera at the party.....dang!
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: c.m.c.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: Rob looking less than thrilled.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: I mean....who keeps costumes like this in their closets? I want to be friends with these people.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: Me and my ladies.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: This guy reminded me of a Mario Brother villain. I wanted to stomp on him and kick him.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: This guy made an appearance.
Chelsa Skees: PHTHRD III: Polaroids!