chelleshocks: 1/365 | Dear the internets, I'm back!
chelleshocks: 2/365 | Michelle got a cheque in the mail today and she's trying to tell me that she's not buying me anything... 😢
chelleshocks: 3/365 | Nearly forgot today's! Eden is holding onto my necklace for me.
chelleshocks: 4/365 | Eden is being out-pinked.
chelleshocks: 5/365 | Michelle is going out without me. What is my life? :(
chelleshocks: 6/365 | Been away from home for almost 24 hours. Eden is unimpressed.
chelleshocks: 7/365 | What... are you wearing?!?!!!?
chelleshocks: 8/365 | Shh, don't wake the sleeping Mouse.
chelleshocks: 9/365 | The tea spoon is mightier than the sword!
chelleshocks: 10/365 | Ugh.
chelleshocks: 11/365 | I hope this means more pink clothes soon!
chelleshocks: 12/365 | Truth.
chelleshocks: 13/365 | What's up with the lack of shoes on my feet?
chelleshocks: 14/365 | Go away. I'm mad at you. (Uh oh!)
chelleshocks: 15/365 | Enjoying some Prison Break on Netflix.
chelleshocks: 16/365 | "Princess blend tea because I'm a princess?" "Sure... We'll go with that."
chelleshocks: 17/365 | Red pandas are the best!
chelleshocks: 18/365 | Pink is the best colour ever.
chelleshocks: 19/365 | I need a change of clothes.
chelleshocks: 20/365 | At a dolly meet.
chelleshocks: 21/365 | Does it count as a photo of a doll if the doll is in a bag?
chelleshocks: 22/365 | You left me in a bag for like two days!
chelleshocks: 23/365 | My little study buddy.
chelleshocks: 24/365 | I'm tired. I'm going to bed. *Me too, kid, me too*
chelleshocks: 24/365 | Yum, yarn. *My human, ladies and gentlemen... *
chelleshocks: 26/365 | We started watching How To Get Away With Murder. And we're like 10 episodes in already. #hasnolife
chelleshocks: 27/365 | I don't get a cup of tea, but I have to do the homework. 😐
chelleshocks: 28/365 | Michelle got a new chain for her bunny charm today!
chelleshocks: 29/365 | I don't understand the words you speak when you say this is not for me.
chelleshocks: 30/365 | I'm running away now.