chelleshocks: 1/365 - ALL PINK, all Eden
chelleshocks: 2/365 - I hafta finish putting on my boots...
chelleshocks: 3/365 - We baked today!
chelleshocks: 4/365 - Wanna play dollies with me?
chelleshocks: 5/365 - Whatcha making...?
chelleshocks: 6/365 - Stop playing with your silly sticks and string.
chelleshocks: 7/365 - You left me at home
chelleshocks: 8/365 - Eden, you really should change...
chelleshocks: 9/365 - The Mighty Pink Pen Holder
chelleshocks: 10/365 -Teehee
chelleshocks: 11/365 - Isn't it the weekend?
chelleshocks: 12/365 - !@#%$!
chelleshocks: 13/365 - Enough to take out that dress-stealing brunette?
chelleshocks: 14/365 - You really need to get some pink yarn...
chelleshocks: 15/365 - Michelle's new toy...
chelleshocks: 16/365 - PINK HAIRS
chelleshocks: 17/365 - Aren't you done with this knitting thing yet?
chelleshocks: 18/365 - All pink for me?
chelleshocks: 19/365 - So why don't you ever change, kid?
chelleshocks: 20/365 - What Michelle spent the weekend doing
chelleshocks: 21/365 - I'mma going to stowaway!
chelleshocks: 22/365 - HURRY!
chelleshocks: 23/365 - A bit of light reading...
chelleshocks: 24/365 - What I got for my birthday...
chelleshocks: 25/365 - BOREEEEEED.
chelleshocks: 26/365 - booooooring...
chelleshocks: 27/365 - Happy?
chelleshocks: 28/365 - Now can we do something fun?
chelleshocks: 29/365 - So while you were studying....
chelleshocks: 30/365 - I dun understand...