chelleshocks: KENNERS
chelleshocks: Lining up, one by one
chelleshocks: Raven girls
chelleshocks: ALL the Kenners!
chelleshocks: Eeeeeek, so stinkin' adorable.
chelleshocks: Yay, all the girls <3
chelleshocks: My two 'new' acquisitions
chelleshocks: Really a centre-part
chelleshocks: Fully thatched
chelleshocks: Massive frizz
chelleshocks: Massive frizz
chelleshocks: Once upon a time,
chelleshocks: Fun hairs!
chelleshocks: Whee, posing hair is fun!
chelleshocks: Channeling Pippi!
chelleshocks: Sad little girl
chelleshocks: Formally introducing Her Majesty,
chelleshocks: Prim says...
chelleshocks: Are you *sure* you know what you're doing?
chelleshocks: Whoa, carnage!
chelleshocks: Primrose! <3
chelleshocks: Primrose! <3
chelleshocks: Smile!
chelleshocks: Too cool for school.
chelleshocks: Happy sigh.
chelleshocks: Primrose - now and then
chelleshocks: Family Portrait Time!
chelleshocks: The Kenners, today.
chelleshocks: Primrose
chelleshocks: A little prim and proper girl