chelleshocks: Boxed in girl
chelleshocks: Punk rock?
chelleshocks: Close up!
chelleshocks: Hack job?
chelleshocks: And she's so pretty too...
chelleshocks: No name, but out of the box!
chelleshocks: Blythe Spring Swap
chelleshocks: *whisperwhisper*
chelleshocks: Family shot!
chelleshocks: Stock Swap Day!
chelleshocks: Looking up!
chelleshocks: Looking up!
chelleshocks: Take my photo!
chelleshocks: Isn't this awesome?
chelleshocks: Oh fudge!
chelleshocks: Sweater - front side
chelleshocks: Sweater - back side
chelleshocks: Check me out!
chelleshocks: I feel magical.
chelleshocks: zomg, zomg, zomg
chelleshocks: What's your favourite colour, Eden?
chelleshocks: I think I'm adorable.
chelleshocks: March craftings, so far
chelleshocks: 25/365 - The Tea Party - 1/4
chelleshocks: The Tea Party - 2/4
chelleshocks: The Tea Party - 3/4
chelleshocks: Mousey Eden
chelleshocks: 32/365 - Blythe Wheel
chelleshocks: All the little critters in a row.
chelleshocks: But it could be worse...