chelleshocks: Seagulls!
chelleshocks: Caught in the act
chelleshocks: Float plane
chelleshocks: Beer, anyone?
chelleshocks: Bubble bubble
chelleshocks: Double rainbow!
chelleshocks: Sleepy sea otter <3
chelleshocks: In November...
chelleshocks: Spring
chelleshocks: Pretty flowers
chelleshocks: Bumblebee!
chelleshocks: Dragonfly!
chelleshocks: Ladybug! Butterfly!
chelleshocks: Gorgeous!
chelleshocks: #Richmond
chelleshocks: More pretties.
chelleshocks: Wanted to stay here longer :)
chelleshocks: Flowers planted by my neighbour.
chelleshocks: Closest I've been to a Blythe in a thrift store ;)
chelleshocks: A web a day keeps the flies away.
chelleshocks: Snow, snow, snowy, snow snow.
chelleshocks: I saw the littlest bun that ever did bun this morning. Bolted right after I took this picture.
chelleshocks: Caterpillars, eep.
chelleshocks: Their world got a little bit bigger since yesterday :)
chelleshocks: Honey bee central in my front yard :)
chelleshocks: New bunny friend at work. Super friendly, came up to me, probably used to be someone's pet :( #dontfeedtheanimals #rejectedpet
chelleshocks: The neighbourhood cat that I call "Mr. Kitty". I think he may belong to someone because he has zero visible matted fur and he's got pretty long fur. But he won't let me close to him.
chelleshocks: Museum time!
chelleshocks: Giant birds in Vancouver! #olympicvillage