chelleshocks: 09068908
chelleshocks: 09068909
chelleshocks: 09068911
chelleshocks: 09068913
chelleshocks: 09068914
chelleshocks: 09068915
chelleshocks: 09068916
chelleshocks: 09068910
chelleshocks: 09068917
chelleshocks: 09068918
chelleshocks: 09068919
chelleshocks: 09068920
chelleshocks: 09068921
chelleshocks: Sophie's tired of her stock outfit - 1/6
chelleshocks: Sophie's tired of her stock outfit - 2/6
chelleshocks: Sophie's tired of her stock outfit - 3/6
chelleshocks: Sophie's tired of her stock outfit - 4/6
chelleshocks: Sophie's tired of her stock outfit - 5/6
chelleshocks: Sophie's tired of her stock outfit - 6/6
chelleshocks: New dress!
chelleshocks: Finally got my hair done!
chelleshocks: Sophie & Collie
chelleshocks: Working the catwalk (aka, my bed)
chelleshocks: Sulking...
chelleshocks: Someone's not impressed with me...
chelleshocks: Oh. My.
chelleshocks: Really not pleased with me.
chelleshocks: Is this what you spend all your time on?
chelleshocks: You did what?!
chelleshocks: I suppose she's okay...