Chele Leiva: Tres pequeñas...
Chele Leiva: Después de la lluvia...
Chele Leiva: Yellow Rose!
Chele Leiva: Between Green!
Chele Leiva: Hortensia
Chele Leiva: DSCF2873
Chele Leiva: Corazón Chino x 3
Chele Leiva: Ginger
Chele Leiva: DSCF1174
Chele Leiva: CH Photographies 2010 (2)
Chele Leiva: CH Photgraphies 2010 (1)
Chele Leiva: Yeah they were all yellow...!
Chele Leiva: And it was all yellow!
Chele Leiva: Purple Dream
Chele Leiva: A rose to you!
Chele Leiva: Veranera
Chele Leiva: Tiny Little Flower
Chele Leiva: Piñita!
Chele Leiva: IMG_6442
Chele Leiva: Clavel
Chele Leiva: IMG_2022